Our collaborative enterprise services delivers regulatory compliance, minimizing risk and improving
overall lifecycle costs, through tailored testing programs and multidisciplinary services.
Whether it’s hydrogen lines, crude lines or regular DOT maintenance, online and offline pigging are essential to pipeline integrity. JP Services works with many types of pigs in order to optimize product flow, all based on your particular needs. We assess each project and determine what process is necessary to reduce both the number of pigs and the time required to complete the job most efficiently.
New construction and rehab work call for offline pigging. Pre-cleaning removes debris or surface rust to insure a better fill and confirms the omission of leaks, ruptures or other environmental hazards.
Online pigging saves the customer time and money by removing rust, salt deposits, iron sulfide, paraffin and rouge during normal operating procedures.
Pig Tracking
JP Services can provide specialized equipment to track and monitor critical pig runs to insure no pigs are ever lost in a questionable piping system. We log the number of pigs that enter the pipeline and confirm that same number are removed. This attention to detail is why JP Services has developed a reputation for both quality and reliability.