Our collaborative enterprise services delivers regulatory compliance, minimizing risk and improving
overall lifecycle costs, through tailored testing programs and multidisciplinary services.
JP Services provides a wide range of nitrogen services to the oilfield and industrial sectors, including well stimulation and enhanced recovery, pipeline purging and pigging, blanketing and flaring. Nitrogen has also proven to be a reliable agent for detecting small leaks along a pipeline. The company has assembled a team of experienced providers who collectively have more than 50 years of experience successfully and safely delivering the service.
Our fleet of certified transportation systems, and trailer-mounted, advanced pumping systems designed for safe, efficient and compliant operations. Our pumping units include:
• Direct Fire (740k) and Heat Recovery Units (180k) enabling inside and outside fence services.
• Hot and cold temperature shut down protection, ensuring operational safety against asset failure.
• Onboard and remote pressure monitoring, eliminating the possibility of over pressuring the client facility.
• Data acquisition systems which secure critical project information and support asset compliance and traceability.
• N2 transportation systems which ensure uninterrupted liquid supply.
Nitrogen’s unique properties make it ideal for multiple disciplines and JP Services is delivering it on time and on budget.