Our collaborative enterprise services delivers regulatory compliance, minimizing risk and improving
overall lifecycle costs, through tailored testing programs and multidisciplinary services.
Offline Chemical Cleaning utilizes nitrogen, air or water to propel cleaning pigs through the offline pipeline, removing built-up debris of all types. Due to production downtime and greater costs, this method is typically recommended when online chemical cleaning is not an ideal option.
JP Services understands the financial implications Offline Chemical Cleaning can have on our customers’ bottom lines. That’s why we work tirelessly to develop the most efficient plan possible to reduce downtime.
Mechanical Cleaning
Mechanical or “dry” cleaning may be performed online or offline and is recommended only in very special cases. Mechanical pigs are propelled through the line, removing powders and waxes. The process is slower than chemical cleaning and can produce added risks, such as residue build-up, which can cause the pigs to become lodged in the pipeline. We strive to prevent this by monitoring all aspects of the project continually and paying strict attention to every detail.